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Here to help

Frome, Somerset

The best way to contact us is online:

It is quick and straightforward. Just go to the Contact us page.

On our website you can also: 

  • send us documents securely
  • notify us of a change in personal details
  • change your selected retirement date
  • change your contributions
  • request a retirement or transfer quote
  • update your expression of wish

Simply go to I want to and select the option you require.


You can email us at


You can call our helpline (Freephone) 0800 7811378 (+44 203 7888562 if calling from outside the UK)
Phone lines are open Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm, excluding bank holidays


For those members who need to contact us by post we have a new postal address:

The Pearson Pension Plan
PO Box 645

Book a meeting with the team:

Go to Book a meeting with the team to discuss any questions you may have regarding the Plan.

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Contact us

How the Plan is run


    Step 1

    Welcome to the Pearson Pensions Website feedback form. Help us improve your experience

    Completing this one minute survey will help us improve our website and service to you.

    Step 2

    Why did you visit the website today?

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    Please enter your reason in the following field

    Step 3

    Did you achieve what you wanted to do?

    On a scale from 1 - 5, how easy was the website to use? (1 equals easy, 5 equals difficult

    Please tell us what you were trying to do in the following field

    Step 4

    Please tell us your comments or suggestions in the following field

    Step 5

    Please submit your feedback or if you would like us to contact you, tick the box below.

    Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback